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What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a soothing technique applying pressure to reflex areas and points of the face, ears, hands and feet. Reflexology dates back thousands of years and evidence shows some form of hand and foot reflexology being practised in China and in ancient Egypt as shown pictured in the tomb of Ankamahor (2500BC). The feet are a reflection of our body and you will see in the picture how the entire body is shown on the reflex areas in the feet with the head, chest, respiratory, digestive and lower limb areas. For example if working on the respiratory reflexes, the Reflexologists would be working the green area (ball of the foot).

Please note: Reflexologists do not diagnose, prescribe or treat for specific condition only a doctor can do that.

Facial Reflexology also dates back thousands of years. Amazonian tribes developed Facial therapy and also indigenous tribes in Vietnam and Cambodia use facial therapies for health issues. Sorensensistemâ„¢ Facial Therapy was developed by Danish Reflexologist, Lone Sorenstein. Lone was a practising reflexologist for many years and after studying and observing indigenous groups in Argentina and later working with a Vietnamese Doctor in Cuba, she developed the Sorensensistemâ„¢ Facial Reflexology method. This is a 7-step Facial Reflexology method with additional treatments included for the individual client relevant to their issues. For example for digestive issues such as constipation, nerve points related to the colon may be worked.

Reflexology is a non-invasive complementary therapy that can support your overall health and wellness.


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